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REVEAL is a discipleship ministry that seeks to help people resolve personal and spiritual conflicts, break free from bondage, renew the mind, and train and equip followers of Christ to live in victory as they serve Him.


REVEAL members attend all 614 Sunday Worship services, REVEAL classes, work projects and prayer ministry sessions.  Participants learn how to connect with God through prayer, bible study, and service. They also learn how to navigate spiritual realities and nurture intimacy with God.



The following are just some of the concepts that REVEAL members learn:

  • Heart-focused discipleship

  • Law vs Grace

  • New identity

  • Listening prayer

  • Inner healing

  • Walking in the Spirit

  • The Holy Spirit

  • Spiritual warfare

  • Faith in action

  • Leadership training

& Format


Anyone can attend open group meetings and classes.  At the present time, REVEAL membership is only offered to men. Those interested in being a REVEAL member should speak to the 614 Corps Officers and express interest.  Once approved, the candidate phase begins and lasts up to 8 weeks.  First, candidates are expected to have trusted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord & Savior. In addition, candidates attend all REVEAL meetings and, if necessary, secure a GED, driver’s license, social security card and resolve all outstanding warrants and fines. They must also submit to periodic drug screening. Phase I candidates, residing at the Center of Hope, will stay on the first floor.



After Phase I is completed, the candidate enters Phase II and moves to a two-man room on the second floor of the Center of Hope.  During Phase II, members participate in concentrated spiritual formation and work to resolve spiritual conflicts, break strongholds, renew their mind, and develop personally and spiritually.



When Phase II is completed, the member moves into the transition phase.  The goal of Phase III is to secure employment and advance the Kingdom of God in the workplace.  Members who are called into full-time ministry will enter the training phase in preparation for ministry options.

REVEAL Schedule

Morning Classes

Monday 9:15 a.m.

Tuesday 9:15 a.m. (Reveal Only)

Wednesday 9:15 a.m. 

Thursday 9:15 a.m. (Reveal Only)


Evening Classes

Bible Classes - Monday – Friday 7:00 p.m. 

Women’s Bible Study - Thursday 6:15 p.m.


Sunday Schedule

Prayer meeting 8:00 a.m.

Chapel set-up 8:45 a.m.

Sunday School 9:45 a.m.

Worship 11:00 a.m.

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